Today, I exercised for 1 1/2 hours at the gym. I intend to do the treadmill for 20 minutes later on today.
For lunch, I had string beans with diced ham. A hamburger fresh off the bbq, lettuce, tomato and my homemade low carb bread. I am also topping my bread with the sweet hot mustard from Hickory Farms.. (amazing stuff !) I have different cheeses : Smoked, cheddar, and 'three cheese onion wedge slices -- consisting of Monterey jack, aged & mild cheddar cheese, also compliments of Hickory Farms.
Their 75% off sale may still be going on at http://www.hickoryfarms.com/, OR check your local mall if the booths are still set up there to save on shipping.
I"m feeling a bit under the weather today, congested head and drippy nose.. but hey at least I got in the workout, and LOST ANOTHER POUND !! Yippee.! Now, I'm weighing in at 138, for a total of 26 POUNDS LOST , since Oct. 7th, 2008.
One more pound is great!!!
Wow 26 pounds, that's awesome! Your lunch looks great. All the right portions.
Nice going, Bayoubabe! Congrats on the loss!
Your exercise routine is really great. The food looks wonderful as well.
I hope you can beat the cold. :)
Thanks. I just have to take it easy tomorrow & pop a few OTC cold meds. I have not been sick in three months, so I was probably due anyway.
Congrats on the continued weight loss! Hope your cold leaves very quickly too.
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