The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Prompts (#HAWMC)
This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:
Titles of my future book. Say you’re writing a book about your life, community, condition, or Health Activism. Come up with 5 working titles and a quick book jacket synopsis. |
Low Carb Life for Dummies 101 - Why count calories and fat grams when you can use this low carb book to get the low-down on easy carb counting !! Is a carb REALLY a sugar ? Are there good carbs vs. bad carbs ? We will explore just how to decipher food labels, and recipes for the low carb way of life !
How NOT to Low Carb Properly : My Life, My Struggle, My Story Follow me, as I discuss my personal triumphs and tragedies with the world of low carb dieting. What I thought as a success, caused more problems for me later on. Discover what does NOT work in the world of low carb eating and what DOES.
Exercise and Me, a Low-Carb Love Story ... For most of my adult life, I thought a hard day's work was a substitute for exercise. If I felt mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day, I thought it meant I was keeping myself fit enough. I reflect on this today, because we all have to start somewhere. We have to work through the pain to GAIN insight. I exercise and continue to do it because I think clearer and faster. I'm a more patient person, and have more energy. I wonder how much I could have accomplished if I'd discovered all of this sooner ?? When it comes to food, I do not believe in counting calories or fat grams. I count CARBS. Counting calories and fat grams took the air out of the balloon for me. You have to find out what works for YOU. Once my brain realized that a carb = sugar. Everything clicked. I do believe in enjoying all things in moderation. .. Follow me as we experience my low-carb journey though Diet and Exercise...
How To Write a Success Blog - Have an idea, or something happening in your life daily that you find interesting and don't mind sharing with the world ? Gain confidence and knowledge by reading this short but inspirational book on just how to find success in writing a daily blog. Emotional ? Whimsical ? Got something to say that is on your mind ? Why not blog it ? I'll give you all the tools, you run with it ! :)
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