About Me

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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
This blog is dedicated to the low-carb menu challenge presented by Jimmy Moore. I'm living the Louisiana low carb lifestyle, where low-carb is the new way to go ! I live southwest of New Orleans, Louisiana....have three awesome kids. We are deep down in the heart of sweet Cajun Country, where we kick back and relax, go hunting, fishing, or make groceries! My doctor told me that my blood pressure numbers were getting too high, so I had to loose weight. She challenged me with ten pounds in three months. That was October 7, 2008. I lost 26 pounds !!! In February of 2011, I found that I had gained a few pounds more than I would have liked, weighing in at 170 pounds. I had to get back into the swing of living the low carb life again !! I am loving the 'low-carb' style and wish to contiue it . I exercise three times a week at the gym, and off the 'off' days, I learn to RELAX !! November 2011, finds me in different circumstances -- a new lifestyle, great community of friends and a challenge to keep that 45 pounds that I lost OFF. Feel free to read my blog, browse around, or just sit a spell!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Only have 30 minutes ? We have the workout for you !

As yall know, I've never been a fan of the inside of a gym, or those HUGE exercise balls. What I am a big fan of is technique and timing. It's more important to do an exercise correctly because if you do not, then you could end up hurting other areas of your body AND using the wrong set of muscles for the intended technique !! Squats and lunges are very important, but if done incorrectly can put a major hurt on the lower back and butt.

Webmd.com has a good 30 minute workout !!

Most of these exercises shown here can be done at home. If you have the weights, you can modify the location. Then again, weights are NOT as important as technique.

Always remember to stay well-hydrated. If you have done 20 minutes successfully.. can you do 30 minutes ?

The 30–Minute Fitness Blitz

Think you don't have time to work out? You do. It's the intensity of your workout that's key. A short–burst, high–intensity workout boosts your metabolism and tones muscles. Get moving with this 30–minute "quickie" routine that includes cardio and resistance training.

If you're new to exercise, over 40, have a health problem, or take regular medication, check with your doctor before starting a fitness program.

Frequency of Workout

Perform this 30-minute workout routine every other day, or do it two days in a row if that better suits your schedule. These are not hardcore bodybuilding-style routines where the high degree of muscular overload requires full rest to recover. For a healthy body, work out regularly and eat a healthy diet.

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